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Opening hours

Our Booking PolicyTBuddy is for transmasculine people 18 years of age & older. You must confirm your age when registering * If you are outside the United States you must download WhatsApp for text & phone appointments



Text TBuddy Session

. Duration:30 mins·

Phone TBuddy Session

. Duration:30 mins·

Virtual TBuddy Session 

. Duration:30 mins·

In-Person TBuddy Session

. Duration:30 mins·



Good to know


62 reviews
  • Maverick Mathena·

    I feel a whole lot better getting help and receiving helpful tips on how to look more masculine! Plus to feel like I'm not alone on this is very comforting!

  • Danny Jaramillo·

    Feel a whole lot better about my consultation now

  • Nórbis·

    Conversation with Dax has been wonderful! Truly a gentleman and brightened my spirits.
    All my thanks and thank you TBuddy. ❤️

  • Danny Jaramillo·

    Super helpful really made me realize the amount of things I still need to figure out and how important they are!! Thank you so much Dani talk again soon!!

  • FABIO·

    Thank you Dani for making space for me to just be heard and understood. He went above and beyond to support me and I can't wait to check in with him again.

  • Emil·

    Hi, I had my first appointment with Dani and I felt so heard, supported and motivated. I want to highlight that I'm from Perú and that this great iniciative also applies to people from other countries. I am so thankful!

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